Occupied with disorders and defects of the cardiovascular system (heart, aorta and lesser blood vessels), their recognition and treatment. Murmurs over heart, pains in the heart area, fainting, low tolerance of physical effort, retardation of a child’s physical development – all these symptoms can be related to a heart disease.




Monika Brzezinska

Doctor of medical sciences, specialist in the field of pediatry and children cardiac surgery. Senior assistant in the Clinic of cardiology at “Children’s Memorial Health” Institute.

Specialist in diagnosis and treatment of children irregular heart beat. Consults patients with pediatric conditions and children cardiology.


Piotr Perdeus

Specialist in paediatrics and 2nd Degree Specialist in paediatrics end cardiology.

Dr. n. med.

Jacek Skiendzielewski


Magdalena Brzęczek

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