Visit this specialist if a child suffers from diet-related diseases, but also in case of allergy, endocrinologic diseases, neurologic diseases, as well as ADHA and ADD. A dietician will help to arrange an appropriate menu for all children, since all of them are prone to underweight or overweight, which, resulting in serious health consequences in the further period of their life, also contribute to posture defects, flat foot and other motor and psychological dysfunctions.
The diet should be a pleasure to children, a beginning of enduring changes, therefore it cannot eliminate the sweet taste which is loved so much by the young ones. In our Centre, we will instruct you how to introduce balanced meals in children’s menu and how to encourage a child to eat them with pleasure and appetite.
The first visit to a dietician includes a thorough dietary and health recall, anthropometric measurements, body composition analysis, as well as receipt of essential dietary and therapeutic recommendations.
Proponowane usługi w ramach konsultacji:
Pierwsza wizyta obejmuje: 1. pomiar składu ciała , 2. wywiad żywieniowy (preferencje żywieniowe, ograniczenia), 3. ustalenie i zaplanowanie diety.
Druga wizyta: 1. omówienie celu i zasad diety, 2. wprowadzenie indywidualnego programu żywieniowego (jadłospis), 3. na czym polega właściwa dieta.
Trzecia wizyta: 1. pomiar składu ciała, 2. analiza programu wdrożeniowego, 3. modyfikacje diety, 4. trening zdrowego odżywiania
Liczba konsultacji dietetycznych uzależniona jest od stanu zdrowia pacjenta oraz charakteru indywidualnego planu żywieniowego.