The goal of visits to a physiotherapist is treatment and prevention of disease processes and their consequences, as well as restoration of fullest possible fitness of patients, bringing back their ability to fully participate in social life. A therapist will also answer all questions concerning care, e.g. how to hold, change or feed a baby so these everyday activities could shape the baby’s correct movement patterns and conform with its emotional needs.

After such meeting, a parent has broader knowledge, and therefore can make more conscious decisions in raising of the child. This reduces the sense of helplessness, and, what is most important, explains whether everything is alright

Infant behaviour which should prompt contact with a physiotherapist is shown below:

  • the baby does not like to be touched,
  • the baby reacts with crying to all changes of position,
  • the baby has an asymmetrical position (always the same side is shortened),
  • body straining, head or the entire body tilting backwards,
  • small motor repertoire- the baby keeps repeating the same movement patterns,
  • straining, tensing up of legs and/or arms, making care difficult,
  • constant clenching of fists,
  • frequent crying with no apparent reason,
  • difficult falling asleep and easy awakening,
  • feeding problems, (straining when eating, frequent choking, crying, poor weight gain,
  • high tiredness – sucks briefly and quickly gets hungry),
  • inability to concentrate the sight on a parent’s face,
  • does not return a smile after 6 weeks of life,
  • lack of interest in toys,
  • does not stretch hands to toys and concentrates the sight only for a short period (after the 3rd month),
  • low muscle tension,
  • retarded acquisition of key abilities of the child’s development.

As part of physiotherapy services, we also provide home visits, the range of which includes – among other things:

  • Care instruction based on the NDT – Bobath method and instruction of aid exercises supporting proper development of infants
  • Neurodevelopmental diagnostics of infants
  • Assessment of the proper functioning of the musculoskeletal system in children and adolescents
  • Rehabilitation of neurological and orthopaedic disorders in children using PNF therapy, neuromobilization, manual therapy,
  • Diagnosis and treatment of infants and children using Vojta method and in accordance with NDT – Bobath method
  • Zukunft – Hueber feet therapy of infants and children
  • kinesiology taping

One of the methods used by our therapists is the Vojta method. Read about  Vojta method



Sławomir Rolka

MSc in motor rehabilitation.

Certified therapist of the Vojta Method, PNF, PNF-scoliosis, Medical Taping; Graduate of a training licensed by the Kinderzentrum Monachium Internationale Vojta Gesellschaft e.V.

  • Neurodevelopmental diagnostics of infants
  • Assessment of proper functioning of the motor system in children and adolescents
  • Diagnostics and therapy of infants and children with the Vojta method
  • Rehabilitation in neurological and orthopedic disorders in children using the PNF therapy, neuromobilization, manual therapy, Medical Taping.


Marzena Domaradzka

Master’s degree in physiotherapy.

Certified therapist of the Vojta and NDT- Bobath methods.
Graduate of a training licensed by the Kinderzentrum Monachium Internationale Vojta Gesellschaft e.V.

  • Neurodevelopmental diagnostics of infants
  • Assessment of proper functioning of the motor system in children and adolescents
  • Diagnostics and therapy of infants and children with the Vojta and NDT-Bobath methods


Małgorzata Barcikowska

Master of Physiotherapy. Certified “Comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of faulty posture and scoliosis by the concept of” FITS “(Functional Individual Therapy Scoliosis) therapist.

  • Assessment of the correct functioning of the musculoskeletal system in children and adolescents, comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of faulty posture and scoliosis by the concept of “FITS”• Rehabilitation in neurological and orthopedic in children using PNF therapy, neuromobiliztion, manual therapy, Medical Taping.
  • Physiotherapy


Katarzyna Hrynyszyn

Master’s degree in physiotherapy.
Certified therapist of the NDT-Bobath concept and Vojta Method.
Assistant in the clinic of neurology and rehabilitation medicinal facility at the Institute of Mother and Child, Graduate of the Vojta training licensed by the Kinderzentrum Monachium Internationale Vojta Gesellschafte.V and the following courses: kinesiotaping, three-dimensional foot treatment according to Barbara Zukunft – Hueber, SI – first degree course.

  • Care instruction based on the method of NDT – Bobath training and instruction supporting normal development of infants.
  • Neuro-developmental diagnostics of infants
  • Assessment of proper functioning of the motor system in children and adolescents
  • Diagnostics and therapy of infants and children with the Vojta’s method and NDT-Bobath methods of foot therapy of infants and  children according to Zukunft – Hueber Kinesiotaping
  • Possibility to lead the therapy in German language version

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