Occupied with recognition and treatment of diseases of ear, nose, larynx, throat, as well as other head and neck organs. Visit a physician of this specialty for diagnosis and treatment of such disorders as:
- earache, sense of clogging, persistent tinnitus,
- hypoacusia,
- balance disorders,
- persistent hoarseness,
- chronicpharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis,
- sinusitis,
- mouth breathing,
- snoring,
- palpable head or neck tumor,
- swallowing disorder (dysphagia),
- unusual discharge from an ear or nose (e.g. with blood),
- paresis or palsy of head and neck organs
Zapraszamy między innymi na konsultacje w zakresie:
- otolaryngologii
- audiologii i foniatrii
- badania audiometrii impedancyjnej
- badanie endoskopowe nosogardła i krtani
- rehabilitację głosu